
Official press releases on the Self-Maintaining Air Cleaner (SMAC) by The Systems Group for steel mills and heavy industry.

SMAC Featured in August Issue of Iron & Steel Technology

The Systems Group is proud to announce the SMAC Unit being featured in the August 2020 issue of AIST’s Iron & Steel Technology. Highlighted in the magazine’s ‘Safety First’ section, ‘Keeping Critical Spaces Clean Using Room Pressurization With Self Maintaining Air Cleaners’ was written by Josh Longmire and first presented in Pittsburg at AISTech

2022-07-13T17:57:56-05:00July 26th, 2020|Press Release, White Papers/Technical Articles|

The Systems Group Introduces Self-Maintaining Air Cleaner for Steel Mill Transformer Vaults, Motor Control Rooms and Other Critical Spaces

August 9, 2016, El Dorado, Arkansas — The Systems Group (www.tsg.bz), a diverse group of companies engaged in construction, maintenance and products for steel manufacturing and other heavy industry, has introduced the first auto-cleaning air filtration system for steel mill transformer vaults, motor control rooms, air compressor systems, engine intakes and other critical spaces. The company

2022-05-18T15:57:43-05:00August 9th, 2016|Press Release|
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